This course focuses on the development of reading strategies with a concentration on vocabulary building and 写作 fundamentals. This course is scheduled for two class periods and includes interactive, 网络活动以及教师指导.
This course offers a comprehensive study of the five basic genres: Novel, 短篇小说, 文章, 诗歌, 和戏剧. 它侧重于文学形式, 主题, and style and further develops skills in grammar and composition. 与MLA文件的研究论文是必需的.
本课程提供了一个深入的 study of selected works of high complexity with advanced integrated language arts study in reading, 写作, 口语和听力. 与MLA文件的研究论文是必需的.
先决条件:英语I CP和英语教师推荐
This course continues to develop and strengthen reading, vocabulary, and 写作 skills. A variety of literary forms from American Literature will be introduced. A report-style research paper with MLA documentation is required.
先决条件:英语I UCP and 英语 Teacher Recommendation
This course offers a comprehensive study of American Literature and authors. Composition skills are reinforced and a thesis-driven research paper with MLA documentation is required. 这门课辅以小说, group and individual presentations, and discussion.
先决条件:英语I UCP, Minimum 90% both semesters; and 英语 Teacher Recommendation; 英语 I H Minimum 80% and 英语 Teacher Recommendation
This is an in-depth study of major works of American Literature. The content and treatment of material in volume, depth, and speed are challenging. 广泛的阅读,记笔记和写作是必需的. 这门课辅以小说. 论文研究论文与MLA文件是必需的.
先决条件:英语II CP和英语教师推荐
在本课程中, students study selected works of diverse world writers and continue to work on composition skills. Outside novels supplement the course and a report research paper is required.
PREREQUISITES: 英语 II UCP and 英语 Teacher Recommendation
This course offers a survey of a wide variety of literary works from around the world. 这本教科书将补充外部小说. 学生 will be encouraged to see comparisons in ideas and styles. 与MLA文件的研究论文将被要求.
PREREQUISITES: 英语 II UCP grade 90% and 英语 teacher recommendation; 英语 II H, 成绩不低于80%,并有英语老师推荐
本课程提供了一个深入的, fast-paced study and survey of a variety of literary works from around the world and encourages the student to see the importance of ideas through civilization and how these ideas apply to them and to their century. Of particular concern will be the analysis of cultural interaction and how one can fairly understand diverse cultural perspectives. Creative and analytical composition is required, as is a thesis research paper. 这门课辅以小说.
PREREQUISITES: 英语 II Honors, 83% or higher and Sophomore 英语 Teacher Recommendation
While the senior level AP 英语 course in literature focuses on the study of fiction to explore the human condition, the AP 英语 course in language focuses on the analysis of nonfiction to develop the skills of argumentation. This junior level course does not teach a particular body of knowledge, but it aims to develop the critical skills necessary to make persuasive arguments in a democratic society whose existence requires an informed electorate. The course will develop students’ research skills in logic and rhetoric so that they can distinguish emotional manipulation from rational argumentation. It will provide students with the opportunity to develop two extended research projects based on current social issues. 在英语系任教期间, this course is cross-curricular in nature and is intended to develop the basic skills of thinking and 写作 that are essential for success in any field of college study.
PREREQUISITES: 英语 III CP and 英语 Teacher Recommendation
在本课程中, students read a selected group of 英语 authors, poets and playwrights. Composition will include both creative 写作 and research 写作 styles. 至少需要一篇主要论文.
PREREQUISITES: 英语 III UCP and 英语 Teacher Recommendation
This course offers a comprehensive survey of British literary periods and genres as well as its roots in Western culture. 学生 analyze the literature through discussion and a variety of 写作 assignments. Two major papers that incorporate research and analysis skills are required.
先决条件:英语三级, 80% or higher and 英语 Teacher Recommendation; 英语 III UCP, 90%以上,英语教师推荐
本课程提供了一个深入的 study of representative writers from the major 英语 literary periods as well as consideration of classic Western Literature. 学生 are challenged to examine the literature through extensive reading, 课堂讨论, 批判性写作. Two thesis researched essays and summer reading are requirements. This course is offered as a dual credit option through Quincy University.
PREREQUISITES: 英语 III AP, 83% or higher and 英语 Teacher Recommendation
跳级, 由大学理事会赞助的国家荣誉课程, focuses on the student’s ability to develop further analytical and 写作 skills previously demonstrated in 英语 III-AP. The survey of literature is extensive and literary selections may vary from one year to the next. 这门课程的设计是为了复制大学经历, 课程以研讨会的形式进行. 需要两篇论文研究论文.